How Clarity Changes Everything

Today I'm sharing a story that came up during a routine Health History consultation. This was a powerful example of how learning about the connections in your body provides extreme clarity AND powerful actions steps towards transformation!


This woman reached out after a lump in her breast was found during a routine mammogram.

As shared in this video, I reviewed her symptoms and lab work we discovered a very common pattern...

1) Where suboptimal digestion/nutrient absorption leads to

2) Inadequate protein and critical vitamins your liver needs to convert inactive T4 thyroid hormone into active T3 (the form your cells can use to boost metabolism) and then

3) Hypothyroid function slows down EVERYTHING in the body leaving you feeling

4) Tired, foggy brain, struggling with weight gain and

5) Makes you predisposed to Estrogen dominance which

6) Increases the risk of hormone-mediated tumor/cancers in breasts and/or ovaries AND

7) Hypothyroidism increases the risk of elevated cholesterol and triglycerides.   

Luckily in this woman's case, she took action early enough it has not progressed into a diagnosis.  Now she has clarity and is empowered with clear action steps to shift this entire cascade in her body.

If you would like more ways to improve your hormone health and finally get clarity, we would love to help.  

You can start today by taking the hormone assessment now. 

Ready for your health transformation?


5 Steps to Better Sleep After 40


Is Estrogen Dominance Causing Your Symptoms?