Optimize Your Energy, Mental Focus and Weight

Discover the 5 Steps Women in their 40s-60s Take to Improve Their Hormone, Gut and Brain Health


In the last month, at least once have you woken up feeling irritable because you didn't sleep well (or long enough)?

At some point in the last few days, have you found yourself eating something for convenience or instant gratification and then felt bloated, unwell or bad about your choice?

In the past year have you been told everything is 'fine' at your doctor's appointment even though you don't feel fantastic. Perhaps you've even considered getting additional labwork or hormone testing to find out what's doing on but other things have always become more important and you haven't done it.

In the past month have you experienced 1 or more unwanted symptom (such as weight gain, headache, brain fog, fatigue, skin irritation, digestive distress, etc) but you don't have a clear, inspiring process to improve it. You may question if it is even possible.

If you relate to one or more of the these symptoms, you are likely BLOCKING your greatest vitality.

You deserve to become empowered about your health, learn exactly what to do to create a new health setpoint AND get your energy, confidence and JOY turned up in your life.

Learn Our Proven Roadmap hundreds of women have used to optimize their nutrition and turn their health around.

Led by Amanda Hinman, Functional Medicine Specialist and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach for busy women over 40 who need help balancing their hormones naturally & gaining 3 hours of extra energy.

In this Masterclass you'll walk away with actionable steps to help you:

You deserve to become empowered about your health, learn exactly what to do to create a new health setpoint AND get your energy, confidence and JOY turned up in your life.

  • Uncover the #1 saboteur that keeps women stuck on the hamster wheel of diets

  • Learn how it is possible to change the trajectory of your health over the next 25-35 years

  • Massively increase your energy and confidence

  • Utilize a proven roadmap that has worked for hundreds of women

  • Save time and money as you transform your health

We’ll share with you the EXACT process I used to help hundreds of women "thrivers" to balance their hormones so they can increase energy, have mental clarity, release weight, and experience vitality in all areas of life.

It works. And it can work for you, too.

I’ve been where you are and know how you feel!

I used to feel exhausted and overwhelmed while struggling with an auto-immune condition.  Life circumstances shaped my mission, to empower women to be in the driver’s seat of their health when I was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition and my family was faced with multiple health crises and we were able to overcome them against professional medical expectations.    

That's why I founded a functional medicine company called Hinman Holistic Health and together my team and I have helped 100’s of women reclaim their health from the terrors of Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, anxiety, PCOS, pituitary tumors, and more.  

What my clients are saying…