The Thyroid & Hormone Solution Program

This 6-month comprehensive coaching program is designed for high-achieving women who are ready to take control of their health and experience lasting transformation.

Led by Amanda Hinman, founder of Hinman Holistic Health, this program combines personalized attention with a proven step-by-step system to address hormone imbalances and unlock your body's full potential.

Your next step to achieving optimal hormone health and vitality!

Dr. Kim

“Before working with Amanda, my diet and routine were a mess. I knew what I needed to do but had no motivation to get things back on track. Amanda gave me simple tools to use every day to keep perspective and add extra hours into my day (magically!)

The greatest gifts I’ve received are increased energy, reduced anxiety, peace of mind, and pride in my ability to be there for my family. It is priceless knowing I can do it all and not sacrifice my health!”

Program Inclusions:

Five Pillar Natural Hormone Solution Training
($3,600 Value)

You save time using proven steps that have helped hundreds of women. We utilize a holistic step-by-step process that combines physical, emotional, and spiritual vitality.

Anytime Support
via Private Voxer
($300 Value)

Access to support and guidance whenever you need it. You are never alone with doubts, and challenges on your path to optimal health.

12 Live Sessions with Amanda Hinman
($4,000 Value) 

These sessions for personalized guidance and support. Share details and co-create customized action plans while you move past obstacles that derail and distract you from health-promoting habits.

Quarterly Symptom
($400 Value)

Regular check-ins to assess progress and adjust strategies as needed. You see REAL evidence of change and clarity about the progress you are making.

Weekly Focus
Action Items
($800 Value)

Remove overwhelm and disengagement with healthy changes. Provide loving accountability and life-changing celebration.

Food, Nutrient, Lifestyle, and Mindset Support
($1,200 Value)

Streamlined focus in a holistic manner to support total body health improvements and cohesive support rather than multiple specialists who may not communicate together.

Meet Amanda Hinman, your guide to holistic wellness.

With over a decade of personal experience overcoming health challenges, Amanda brings expertise, empathy, and unwavering support to help you reclaim your vitality and transform your life.

Together, we utilize a holistic approach to ensure a transformation that you have likely never experienced before. 

Up to 80% of women over the age of 65 are diagnosed with two or more chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis, or Alzheimer’s disease. 

The decisions and actions you take in your 40s, 50s, and 60s change the trajectory for what happens to the quality of life you experience in the next 15-30 years. 

Past clients have reported an average savings of over $30,000 in the 5 years following our work. 

Why Choose The Thyroid & Hormone Solution Program?

Customized Support: Receive personalized guidance and critical feedback tailored to your body's unique needs.

Proven Results: Benefit from a structured program that has helped women achieve better health consistently.

Deep Soul Recharge: Experience a profound transformation on a physical, mental, and emotional level.

This can be you, too!

Watch how Karisa balanced her hormones and took control of her health.

This 6-month comprehensive coaching program was created for high-achieving women who want to maximize their energy and performance.

This popular program creates the best results, by far because of the combination of personalized attention and a proven step-by-step system to take control of your health.

We roll up our sleeves and get in the trenches with you, to create a plan that is customized to your body’s needs and give critical feedback and tools you’ll need to experience better health consistently.

This program is designed to recharge you on a deep soul level, so you experience these amazing benefits:

  • Enjoy 7+ hours of sleep at night and wake up feeling refreshed

  • Take up activities and exercise you used to enjoy

  • Feel sexy and attractive in clothes that make you feel your best

  • Easily find meals that work for your body

  • Reignite your intimacy

  • Freedom from addictive sugar cravings

  • Attract respect and appreciation from your family and colleagues

  • Create a new life that is better, richer, and more fulfilled than you were in your 30s

“I tried all the diets and would Yo-Yo and never see results! Nothing worked! You helped me believe in myself and make myself a priority. My cholesterol is down and I’ve lost 18 pounds! This is my new lifestyle!" - Stacey B

Choose your plan

Health Investment #1


One Time Payment

Five Pillar Natural Hormone Solution Training - ($3,600 Value)
12 Live Sessions ($4,000 Value)
Weekly Focus Action Items ($800 Value)
Anytime Support via private Voxer ($300 Value)
Symptom Review Each Quarter ($400 Value)
Food, Nutrient, Lifestyle, and Mindset Support ($1,200 Value)

Total Value: $10,300


Health Investment #2


Payment Plan
(11 Bi-monthly payments)

Five Pillar Natural Hormone Solution Training - ($3,600 Value)
12 Live Sessions ($4,000 Value)
Weekly Focus Action Items ($800 Value)
Anytime Support via private Voxer ($300 Value)
Symptom Review Each Quarter ($400 Value)
Food, Nutrient, Lifestyle, and Mindset Support ($1,200 Value)

Total Value: $10,300

“We understand the decision to invest in yourself… in your health, is not always an easy one. However, it is the one decision that impacts all other areas of your life including your relationships, your level of happiness, your career, and especially your finances.”

Money Back Guarantee
Our program includes a guarantee. Obviously, you’ll only get results by plugging fully into the program, and that is why when you implement the customized steps, lean into the support, and utilize the tools provided, I am certain you will experience an improvement in your energy, metabolism, and mental clarity, or you will receive a full refund.

Bonus Add-ons

This program bonus add-on was created for women who want to gain detailed clarity on their unique hormone balance and have a customized plan of health-supporting improvements to focus on implementing on their own. This is the best fit for women who want to have expert guidance in assessing and reviewing their hormone lab work and help craft a game plan to reach their health goals. We guide you to create a plan that is customized to your body’s needs and share tools you’ll need to experience better health consistently.

  • Deep Dive Private Session to review your labwork and craft a personalized hormone restoration action plan – so you can feel confident in your long-term health ($2,500 Value)

  • 1 Comprehensive blood panel review ($400 Value)

  • 1 Comprehensive Hormone Test + Adrenal Profile (cost of test included) ($400 Value)

  • 1 Comprehensive Nutrient Test (cost of test included) ($400 Value)

  • 2 Private review and implementation sessions to check on your progress ($800 Value)

The Hormone Review and Action Plan 

  • Amanda’s guidance and support have given me the confidence to believe in myself again!

    Since working together, I have reduced my cholesterol by 70 points from 240 to 170! In addition, I have lost over 35 pounds, lowered my blood pressure, and feel more energized. Before working with Amanda, I felt overwhelmed, unmotivated and was struggling to follow through on things. One of the best things about where I am now is that I am a role model for my son. Amanda is very caring and uses her positive energy and knowledge to empower me to realize what is truly important in my life. I am very grateful to Amanda for her insight and support and highly recommend others to work with her.

  • Amanda gave me simple tools to use every day to keep perspective and add extra hours into my day (magically!).

    I found Amanda at the exact time I needed! I was going through a huge transition in our lives, and I felt overwhelmed and completely out of control. Working with Amanda gave me confidence and she always had my back! I had my own personal cheerleader who never judged me or made me feel small for feeling the way I did.

  • My physical health and nutrition has been great!

    I have lost 7 Ibs and 10 inches!! After our talk my husband is leaving work at a reasonable time and is doing more with kids. We also planned a trip for 3 nights to Vermont just the two of us in October!!

  • So I believe mine is fixed!

    Wanted you to know my last blood test my vitamin D was in the upper end of green range. That has not happened in forever, usually below the green range. I remember you saying that is a sign of leaky gut. So I believe mine is fixed

The way we help you get these results is by…

Identify The Root Cause

We use a functional medicine individualized, science-based approach to treating symptoms and identifying why illness occurs. This includes a comprehensive review of your hormone test and adrenal profile, a comprehensive gut health test and cellular health test (cost of functional labs included in the investment).

Replenish Nutrients

Every single cell in your body is dependent on nutrients to function optimally. You will learn what nutrients are needed for your unique body in order to refuel and kick start your metabolism. This includes a functional review of your labs and symptoms.

Restore Digestive Fire

It's not just what you eat! It's important to digest and then absorb critical nutrients so you can feel satisfied AND release weight. Our motto is long-term sustainable health transformation, which means your digestion has to be equipped to support your body's needs for the long-term, with exact steps nutrients and/or supplement recommendations.

Reset Your Thinking

You know that stress impacts your health. That's why we are together for a minimum of 6 months inside our community. You will have all the tools and strategies to evolve the way you respond to life's stressors and recognize how your thoughts have been holding you back from true vitality so you can respond in a new way to experience more peace.

Remove Toxins

Take a step-by-step approach to minimize environmental triggers that are disrupting hormone balance and cellular communication, leaving you with unwanted symptoms. You will collaborate with your health consultant to make a customize self-care roadmap to boost your vitality!

"I became aware how stressed I was and how my stress my affecting my health. My nutrition played a big role I how I was able to handle daily stress. The way I handle stress and how it affects my body has improved!"

Kendra's successful path to release weight and feel empowered!

Transform your health now!