
Let’s talk about detox programs or cleanses!

January is the most popular time for us women to jump into a program (with the best intentions, of course) to put the past 30 days of extra drinking and eating behind us and kick our health into gear! While this is good, moving into a season of detoxification with poor gut health can actually do more damage.

Often times women who struggle with Hashimoto’s, or hypothyroidism, already have some predisposition to estrogen dominance or suboptimal liver functioning, starting a detox program can pile on extra toxins into the gut, and put the gut in a position where it does not have the tools to function properly.

Ultimately the outcome is a yo-yo effect on your health, you may feel better short-term but then you experience bad or worse symptoms.

This is why I filmed this quick video discussing the importance of starting from a place of strength with detoxification and how you can naturally balance your hormones this new year!

Let’s stay inspired and encouraged!

I invited you to join our free live 10-day Thyroid & Hormone Reset session to get super clear on your goals and specific needs with a group of powerful women who know exactly how you feel!

Ready for your health transformation?


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