Key Strategies to Support and Strengthen Your Stomach Acid

Let’s chat about one of the #1 factors that affect your hormone health - the power to bring on onboard nutrients.

No, we aren’t talking about diet and the foods you eat (even though it is important to make sure you are getting the protein, minerals, carbohydrates, and vitamins your body needs) We’re talking about the power of your stomach acid!

If you are being very intentional and making sure you are getting the nutrients and foods your body needs but are still experiencing uncomfortable symptoms - your stomach acid may be to blame.

Key Strategies:

#1 Be mindful and present while you’re consuming food.

  • Sit down

  • Pause to breathe

  • Take in the aroma of the food

  • Slow down and be present

#2 Be mindful of your liquid consumption during meals - while it is important to hydrate, doing it in close proximity to consuming your food may dilute your stomach acid that is used to break down and deliver those nutrients.

I can't tell you how important having adequate stomach acid strength is for maintaining thyroid and adrenal health.

When your body is not able to break down nutrients and access minerals, it doesn't matter how 'healthy' you eat, the nutrients are not getting into your cells to make a difference in how you feel!

And slowing down to breathe and relax while you eat makes it possible for your body to receive the nourishment it requires!

Let’s stay inspired and encouraged!

I invited you to join our free live 10-day Thyroid & Hormone Reset session to get super clear on your goals and specific needs with a group of powerful women who know exactly how you feel!

Ready for your health transformation?


The Importance of Clarity

