What if your health transformation (or not) depended on this

Today’s message will help you create a shift in your health, whether you're looking to: 

  • Massively boost your energy so that you can have 3 more hours every day, 

  • Have a clear mind, feel eager and excited about what's coming up 

  • Release some weight - those stubborn 5, 10 or 15 pounds, that no matter how hard you try, just seem to stick around. 

Perhaps you've had a recent health scare or diagnosis and found out that you've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's or insulin resistance.

This important step is often overlooked when you are investigating how to transform your health. 

When it comes to creating a dramatic shift in how you feel and your vitality,a non-negotiable essential part of transformation is having a loving community and examples around you.

There's really two fold benefit that this loving accountability and this community provide. 

  1. You have momentum and accountability with other women that are on a similar health journey, learning and being guided by somebody who's been there, who's done this before. 

  2. Evidence of possibility that happens when you see changes in other women who may no longer need medication that they used to rely on, or a friend who just released 10 pounds. 

These examples build in our subconscious minds, the reinforced belief that this is possible. 

Unfortunately in today's society for many of us women (especially in our forties, fifties, and sixties), the underlying pervasive message is that health will continue to decline and diminish especially when it comes to that perimenopausal and menopausal age - this doesn’t have to be the case.

We are wired to be connected, to be inclusive, to be engaged, and making changes in your health requires some changes in your daily lifestyle choices - it just simply does. 

If it didn't require you to do anything different, you would already have that vibrant health and vitality that you're seeking.

It's going to require shifts, and those changes are more likely to stick for the long-term when you see other women who are making similar decisions.

  • Other women prioritizing self-care time

  • Other women removing toxins from their laundry, and detergents. 

  • Other women prioritizing quality sleep 

  • Other women making shifts in the foods they choose. 

This is a non-negotiable part. 

What type of supportive community do you have?

Is it an intentional community? Or is it just, “I have some friends and we kind of talk about stuff here and there.” 

That can be helpful, but it's only helpful to a certain degree. 

If you have intentional community support of people who are on a similar journey of upleveling, their health, this becomes a game-changing part of the process.

Book a balance call and let me know what type of support you have. Is this something that you're seeking?

Share with me and let me know if there's anything that I can support you with further.

Ready for your health transformation?


Have Your Cravings Gotten Worse?


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