Which Hormones are Affecting your Body?

This time of year we are focused on how we can feel better, sleep better, be more present and release the feelings of racing mind!

Often I am asked how thyroid hormone levels affect these symptoms & more importantly how can you know specifically what is happening in your body so you can address these symptoms in symphony.

For example, menopause or perimenopause women may have low progesterone & estrogen dominance is appearing - this can lend itself to anxiety, weight gain & slowing down thyroid activity.

No matter the stage of life or which combination of symptoms you are experiencing, we are uncovering what works best in your unique body!

Let’s stay inspired and encouraged!

I invite you to join our free live 10-day Thyroid & Hormone Reset session to get super clear on your goals and specific needs with a group of powerful women who know exactly how you feel!

Ready for your health transformation?


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The Importance of Clarity